Word Association Game: US State Edition | Top Universities

Word Association Game: US State Edition

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Thomas Ahonen

Updated Jan 06, 2015



Word Association Game: US State Edition main image

Having experienced sitting next to the writing process of state guides from the British eye, they wanted to know what the resident American thought of the illustrious 50.

The challenge: I’m limited to two knee-jerk words that are the first to leap off my tongue in sort of a reactionary word association test kind of way, so here goes! I’ve added some links for context because I’m sure I’ll lose some of you along the way. Needless to say, I’ll be making Mansoor do this for Europe.

(also…sorry Iowa, I’ve never spent any time in you!)

50 State Word Association Game

Alabama – sweet home

Alaska – pipeline, moose

Arizona – baby stealing <– (Raising Arizona reference)

Arkansas – Bill Clinton

California- 90210, Governator

Colorado – Skiing, SUVs

Connecticut – rich people?

Delaware – not Maryland

Florida – Disney, retirement

Georgia – peaches, iced-tea

Hawaii – beaches, volcanos

Idaho – potato farming

Illinois – Chicago, Obama

Indiana – college basketball

Iowa – corn, (…)?

Kansas – Dorothy, tornadoes

Kentucky – chicken, whisky

Louisiana – gumbo, jazz

Maine – lobster, Misery

Maryland – not Delaware

Massachusetts – witch hunts

Michigan – cars, Madonna

Minnesota – malls, lakes

Mississippi – river, casino

Missouri – loves company

Montana – speeding cars

Nebraska – football, Springsteen

Nevada – CSI, gambling

New Hampshire – Vermont’s twin

New Jersey – Shores & Situations

New Mexico – turquoise jewelry

New York – exhausting people

North Carolina – republicans, tobacco

North Dakota – Fargo! crops

Ohio – inventions, polka

Oklahoma – cowboy musicals

Oregon – trails, dysentery

Pennsylvania – cheese steak

Rhode Island – coffee talk <– (the famous quote is “Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island… DISCUSS!”)

South Carolina – civil war

South Dakota –  Mount Rushmore

Tennessee – Jack Daniels

Texas – spurs, guns

Utah – mormons, Sundance

Vermont – maple syrup

Virginia - for lovers

Washington – rain, fish

West Virginia – mountain state

Wisconsin – beer, cheese

Wyoming – cowboys, sheep